Basic knowledge about the types of infertility

Infertility is one of the most significant setbacks in a couple’s life. It can ruin a person, both physically and mentally. This is the time when the couple will need to stay strong and will also need the support of their loved ones.

Infertility does not always mean that a couple cannot become a parent. It can be solved using modern treatments and procedures. The concept of infertility defines that there are different types we should know.

The first step comprises diagnosing infertility and diagnosing the type. The second step is to define the type of treatment (if possible) for this issue.

Types of infertility

As per the definition of infertility, the medical world coins it into three different genres.

• Primary infertility

This type of infertility refers to the condition where the couple is incapable of conceiving. When a couple is trying to conceive by unprotected sex over a year, there might be a problem. The couple has never used a birth control method during this time.

• Permanent infertility

The absolute inability to conceive due to various ailments is known as permanent infertility. The severity of a case can be determined on comprehensive tests. It happens when the female is suffering from ovulation problems, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, fallopian tube problems, etc. It also happens due to male infertility too.

• Secondary infertility

This is a type of infertility where a couple already had a child before but is struggling to conceive again over a year. If a couple has survived miscarriages, it means that infertility was not in the first place. It has developed later. It has been found that the prime reasons for primary fertility are also the reasons for secondary infertility. The reasons took their time to develop after the first child is born or conceived.

• Sub-infertility

This is a typical case when both the couples are comparatively less fertile than an average person. The sub-fertility does not confirm that the couple will not be able to conceive. Male infertility carries a 30% share in this. Similarly, women infertility also contributes to 30% of this problem.

When you have doubts, you better visit a fertility clinic and find the right specialist to consult. The specialist will recommend tests to confirm the actual condition of infertility. Once the problem is diagnosed, parenthood can be planned likewise.

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