Is Fertility at 40 possible?

Many women feel scary even at the thought of conceiving at the age of 40.

But the fact is that you can get pregnant even at the age of 40 and above.

It may even be the case that you don’t need fertility treatment to conceive. Healthy baby birth is possible by a mother aged 40.

Difficulties arise in a few ladies of this age because of low egg reserve and low fertility levels.

If you got married late or wished for delayed pregnancy and finding it difficult to conceive at the of 40 then fertility treatments like IUI and IVF can help you in conceiving and having your biological child.

The problem in conceiving can be due to your poor egg quality or poor quality sperm of your partner. In that case, you can take the help of a donor egg or sperm.

Your egg reserve will be checked through a blood test and if it’s found satisfactory then IVF or IUI treatment will be recommended by the doctor without the use of donor egg.

In maximum cases of pregnancy above the age of 40, cesarean section is done by the doctor.  Premature delivery can also happen with a baby of low weight. Chances are also there that the baby may be in the position which is not favourable for a vaginal delivery.

Chances of Miscarriage may also be there and so required precautions need to be taken to allow the pregnancy to survive.

Based on a survey there is a considerable increase in the number of mothers who gave birth for the very first time at the age of 40.

If you are planning to have your baby at the age of 40 then you need to keep a strict eye on your diet chart, body weight, and lifestyle.

Regular exercise is a must as that will keep your body flexible to accept the pregnancy and carry the same until delivery in a healthy manner.

You can get in touch with some of the reputed fertility experts of the industry for advice.

There is no hard and fast rule they will recommend you to go for expensive reproduction treatments like IVF.

If your test reports show a good result they can also suggest you for natural pregnancy with some medicinal support.

Get in touch with the experts of Corion Fertility for advice on infertility problems and pregnancy after the age of 40.

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